Bring GameFi to Web3.0, New IYO Mode on YooShi LaunchPad is Coming!

5 min readMar 10, 2022


YooShi LaunchPad unveils the new IYO mode to bring GameFi offering to Web3.0 world!

· We are excited to introduce IYO (short for “Initial Yooshi NFT Offering”) and will upgrade YooShi LaunchPad, which is a new plan to fully support the initial assets offering of Web3 projects in the future.

· IYO is a distinct GameFi offering mode that evolves the initial asset offering for high-quality Web3 projects from the traditional Token IDO to a combination of Genesis NFT mining and Farm liquidity mining based on the Genesis NFT blind box.

· IYO will connect high-quality Web3 projects initial assets to YooShi Army crypto community with 430,000 holders.

The traditional IDO as a simple kind of asset offering can’t adequately empower the projects. A large number of tokens are fully circulated at the initial issue, resulting in an increasing amount of token selling, which is not conducive to the construction and development of the early community.

The above problems can be solved as IYO can meet the needs of initial offering while also connecting Genesis NFT blind box with NFT mining and FARM liquidity mining. We will introduce the IYO product mechanism one by one.

What is IYO?

IYO (Initial Yooshi NFT Offering) is Genesis NFT blind box offering for high-quality Web3.0 blockchain projects, which is only available on YooShi LaunchPad. IYO not only provides Genesis NFT blind box sales, but also has multiple products such as: NFT mining, NFT HashRate Upgrade, FARM liquidity mining and so on.

The NFTs involve in IYO will be launched in the form of mysterious blind boxes. IYO will run multiple rounds, each round releases different amounts of blind boxes. NFTs with different HashRate in different blind boxes equip IYO mode with a good value layering system.

IYO Functions

1. NFT Blind Box Sale

The project party can sell NFT blind boxes within the specified time through YooShi LaunchPad with the rules announced in advance. YooShi family community with 430,000 $YOOSHI holders will participate in the Genesis NFT blind box sale through YooShi Family NFT HashRate or the project’s whitelists.

By opening NFT blind boxes, you can get NFT with different initial HashRate and Farm LP accelerator NFT. Different NFTs will play corresponding roles in NFT mining and Farm liquidity mining.

10% of the funds obtained from the sale of NFT blind boxes will be used as protocol maintenance fee, and will be automatically swapped into $YOOSHI (among which 50% will be burned, 40% injected into YooShi mining pool and 10% used as YooShi developer income). At the same time, YooShi suggests the project to inject the remaining 50% sales volume into Dex liquidity pool as the initial liquidity of the project, and use the rest for project operation and development.

2. NFT Mining

After purchasing the NFT blind box, users can obtain NFTs with different initial HashRates, and stake the NFTs into the project’s NFT Mining Pool to participate in the project’s Genesis NFT mining. The project Token is distributed according to the total HashRate of the staked NFT to achieve initial Token distribution. Usually, we recommend the Genesis NFT Mining Pool to be operated with a mining cycle of 3, 6 and 12 months. At the same time, users can stake the project’s Token to upgrade their HashRate to get higher HashRate and more Tokens.

NFTs can be freely traded and auctioned on YooShi NFT MarketPlace after the blind box is opened. However, a certain period of time before the end of the NFT mining cycle of the project, the market transaction of this series of NFTs will be closed to protect the interests of users.

After the project’s NFT mining is over, if these NFTs can be used as props in the project product, such as game characters, game materials, game skins, early access passes, weapons, decorations, etc., the NFT will be directly burned after the props are exchanged.

If these NFTs cannot or are difficult to be used in the project’s products, they can be detonated after the NFT Mining Pool dries up. Through detonating the NFT, the user can randomly obtain a certain amount of project Tokens as a reward while it is burned.

Note: The above information is subject to the specific IYO project offering rules.

3. FARM Liquidity Mining

YooShi provides FARM function for IYO projects, which is convenient for users to participate in one-stop LP mining, and encourages community members to provide more sufficient liquidity for the project in the early stage.

After buying the NFT blind box, there is a probability for users to obtain the FARM accelerator NFT, which can be used to improve the farm efficiency and obtain more mining income in the project’s liquidity mining.

IYO Advantages

Distributing project Tokens in the form of staking NFT to mine can reduce the early circulation of Tokens, and distribute Tokens to different users in different quantities and values, maximizing decentralized distribution and avoiding early Tokens being too concentrated.

HashRate can be increased by staking a corresponding number of project Tokens. This GameFi gameplay is conducive to locking part of the Token circulation.

The project engagement, as well as the user stickiness of NFT holders tend to be higher than Token holders, which is conducive to the ecological development of the project and early community construction.

Apply for IYO on YooShi LaunchPad

We welcome potential start-up projects to submit applications for IYO on YooShi LaunchPad. We will review all projects information and do evaluation. We may have YooShi family vote too. If your project rating is high, we will contact you for further discussion about IYO details.

At the same time, community recommendation is highly appreciated. If your recommended project is launched through YooShi LaunchPad IYO successfully, you will be rewarded with this project’s IYO whitelists to participate in Genesis NFT blind box sale.

Apply for IYO (for Project Team):

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