YooShi Angel NFT Introduction

2 min readJun 19, 2021


YooShi Angel NFT Brief Introduction

Name: YooShi Angel

Attribution: YooShi Family

Motto: Help Others

Obtaining Way:Minting

HashRate: 600

How to Get YooShi Angel NFT by Minting?

The total supply of YooShi Angel NFT is 1,000 which are all generated by minting existing YooShi Family NFT, including YooShi Miner NFT, YooShi Sushi Master NFT, YooShi Army NFT, YooShi Spaceman NFT.

There are 4 positions in YooShi Angel NFT minting pool where you can put any of you NFT (the above four kinds) to the position. The success rate of minting will increase with every NFT being added. You can start to mint when all 4 minting positions are filled with NFTs.

Minting Rate

Based on YooShi Family NFT’s HashRate, different NFT has different minting probability, as follows:

For Example: Alice puts 3 YooShi Miner NFTs and 1 YooShi Army NFT into YooShi Angel NFT minting pool, the success rate of Alice’s minting is:

8% * 3 + 20% * 1 = 44%

Then 2 situations will appear:

  • Minting Succeed: All NFTs in minting pool will be burned and generate a YooShi Angel NFT.
  • Minting failed: One of the NFTs you put in minting pool will be burned randomly.

Minting Fee

0.0285 $BNB or 100,000,000 $YOOSHI (about $10) are required as minting fee.

All minting fee will be swapped to $YOOSHI. Besides, YooShi will cooperate with charity organization and donate 60% of all minting fee to smiling angels who suffers Angelman Syndrome.

Minting Fee Distribution

  • 60% will be donated to charity organization to help children with Angelman Syndrome.
  • 40% will be injected into YooShi NFT Farming Pool.

Meanwhile, the BSC addresses of all YooShi Family members who participate in minting Angel NFT will be recorded in donation list.

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YooShi is a decentralized meme token which brings both fun and profits! Building wealth through games, we are practitioners of ‘Play To Earn’. Web: yooshi.io